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Database Systems Homework Solutions: Learn from the Experts and Improve Your Grades


Working on project works can be boring and time consuming for most students. Sometimes they need a break from their busy schedules and hang out with their friends. Other times they must concentrate on studying other subjects and working on their homework. Furthermore, interest in the subject is another determining factor whether a student would like to study it or not. No matter what your reason is to get DBMS Assignment Help, GeeksProgramming has your back.

database systems homework solutions

Sometimes achieving a new milestone is just one assignment away. All you must do it to work towards it and let our Database Assignment Help do the assignment part. You will get all the support and guidance you need with your project at GeeksProgramming. Our proficient team is ready with their expertise and skillsets to work on any type of homework.

They will complete the homework for you right in time for the final submission. Furthermore, we also provide comprehensive tutoring on the assignment-related elements. This will get you equipped with the right knowledge to work on a project on your own. There is so much more to GeeksProgramming than just being a SQL Assignment Help provider. Regardless of the niche of your project, our experts will ensure that your assignment is completed before the deadline.

Getting out help will reward you with free time to spare on any other activity. You can use it to take a break and lounge around or you can work on other subjects. Moreover, having a gap between studies will give you enough time to plan your upcoming weeks. This will make you more organized and relaxed, as the burden of Database Management homework is reduced.

The homework will be created on the baseline of the guidelines provided by the client. This aims at pleasing the instructor or evaluator to ensure that you get good scores in the assessment. With our hands-on experience of rendering Database Assignment Help, we will make scoring high easy for you.

Many students prefer working on other assignments than their Database projects. We can help you out; our experts will work on your homework for you. You can enjoy your leisure time, performing other co-curricular activities. Our experts will work around the clock to get your assignment ready before the deadline.

Database assignment help is a service which brings to you the best of experience in form of a seasoned programmer. Whenever you are in a flux, there is no one better than a professional to provide you with the much needed database assignment help and/ or database design assignment help .

Geeks Programming is in function round the clock and will cater to each and every one of your specific requirements to get you what you need. We cater to database assignments/ projects, database design projects/ assignments and much more.

Database in most of its colloquial senses means the collection of data or information. A public library for example is a database of books open to all for use. Defined more formally, in IT terms- a database is a structure or a computer structure where the data is organized in the best possible way, to facilitate easy access and management; so that any computer program can access any part of the info hassle free. Database assignment help is the perfect getaway for whenever you are stuck and need help with database programs .

With the database tutoring help via Geeks Programming one can get a grasp of various databases types, which is a foundational learning block. A few of the most common database classification types that we work with in providing database assignment help are

Invented in 1970, this IBM production is the most common type of database. It implicates a tabular organization of data with division into multiple rows and columns. The data is split between the rows and columns according to different categories. With database assignment help we provide you with well structured and efficient relational databases, for your database homework solutions. Relational databases allow easy access to the rows and columns and hence are preferred.

In providing the best database project help, Geeks Programming has dealt with operational databases of varied magnitudes. The operational database type is used when handling rather dynamic data, for example real time data, day to day operational data etc. The data stored in this database type can be manipulated and altered quite easily.

As is evident by the name, these databases imply the division of the data hierarchically. This database distribution visually translates into an upside down tree with a top root/ main class branching out into many other segments. This very structure makes possible easy and rapid access of any of the branch and following information. The database homework service provided here does inculcate the use of hierarchical databases.

The type of the DBMS is determined according to the basic database model that is being created. Some commonly used DBMS are- relations database management systems, flat file based DBMS, and hierarchical DBMS etc.

Needless to say we use to the best possible, our knowledge and expertise in all the above mentioned concepts, when working on your assignment, project or homework. This makes our database assignment help and our database tutoring help services a perfect fit for your needs.

Geeks Programming spans a wide variety of topics such as data definition, data manipulation, data independence, query processing, relational algebra, SQL, QBE and more. While we will elaborate on the topics we cover in different segments of our database homework services, there is another important segment that we must point out.

One of the most important factors in the management of database is the sophistication with which the data is arranged. A sophisticatedly built database is super easy to navigate through. Retrieval of any sort is also made easy given the level of efficiency induced into the structuring of the database.

The information we collect, store and access in computing works is humongous in size. It is obviously not easy to manage and arrange the info optimally. This is where database homework service and database tutoring help come into play. After all, who better than a professional expert to help you get database homework solutions and/ or professional tutor to help learn all you need to know about database management.

Well, worry not! Database management assignment help offered here transcends all approaches and work patterns. All you have to do is get on our contact us page or give in a call saying- do my database homework.

Once you convey all the details of the database homework assignment/ database project that you want, your job is done. You will get a suitable quote and the completed work/ assignment/ project will be delivered to you, all in time before the deadline

[ General Information Course Outline Lectures Handouts Other Pointers Requirements][ Announcements What's new]General InformationCourse description: This course is for students interested in the design of databasemanagement systems to obtain integrity and availability of data. Wewill focus mainly on relational data models and relational queryoperations, together with SQL for data definitions and queries. Wewill discuss design methods including the entity-relationship modeland relational normalization theory. We will also discuss how data isstored and indexed and how queries are processed and optimized.Students undertake a semester project that includes the design andimplementation of a database system. We will touch upon advancedtopics such as object-oriented databases as time permits. Prerequisites: CSE214 and CSE220, or undergrad discrete math(sets, relations, functions, predicate logic), data structures,computer organization, plus programming in Java. Credits: 4.Instructor: Annie Liu Email: liu AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu Office: Computer Science 1433 Phone: 632-8463.TAs: Zhe Fan Email: fzhe AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu Phone: 216-2338.Diptikalyan Saha Email: dsaha AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu Phone: 632-7679.Wenxin Song Email: wenxin AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu Phone: TBA.Lujin Wang Email: lujin AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu Phone: TBA.Hours: Tue Thu 9:50-11:10AM, in Harriman 137.Annie's office hours: Tue 8:30-9:50AM, Thu 11:10AM-12:30PM, in CS 1433.Lujin's office hours: Wed 3-5PM, Fri 2:10-3:10PM, in CS 2110.Zhe's office hours: Tue 4-5PM, Thu 1-2PM, Fri 10:20-11:20am, in CS 2110.Dipti's office hours: Mon 9:30-10:30AM, in CS 2110.Wenxin's office hours: Mon 2:10-3:10PM, in CS 2110.Textbook: Database and Transaction Processing: AnApplication-Oriented Approach by Philip M. Lewis, ArthurBernstein, and Michael Kifer. Addison Wesley, 2002.In addition, you should take good notes during the lectures.Grading: Weekly or biweekly assignments, on homeworks or theproject, together worth 30% of the grade. Two midterms and a final,each worth 20%, 20%, and 30%, respectively, of the grade. See Requirements.Course homepage: liu/cse305/,containing all course related information.Course OutlineWe will start with an overview of databases and transactionprocessing, followed with an introduction to the basic concepts and toSQL.Then, we will study basic database design using theentity-relationship model, learning to model entities, relationships,and additional constraints.We will then focus on two main parts of the course: (1) relationaldata model and the SQL data definition sublanguage, and (2) relationalalgebra and the SQL query sublanguage.Next, we will discuss more database design using relationalnormalization theory, discussing normal forms and their construction.Additionally, we will discuss triggers and more SQL.Finally, we will see how data is stored and indexed and how queriesare processed and optimized.LecturesLecture 1 (01/24/02): Overview: course information andrequirements; database management systems, transaction processing,analytic processing. Reading: Ch.1, Sec.2.3.Homework: Handout H1. Lecture 2 (01/29/02): Introduction to basic concepts and SQL:tables/relations/predicates, operations; SQL, examples, selection,projection, join, etc. Reading: Ch.2, Ch.3.Homework: Handout H2. Lecture 3 (01/31/02): Entity-relationship model: entity andrelationship (type, schema), attributes, roles, keys; representationusing relations/tables, set value problem. Reading:Sec.5.1-5.3. Lecture 4 (02/05/02): Entity-relationship model: representationusing SQL, foreign keys and keys, modeling using UML associations;entity type hierarchies. Reading:Sec.5.3-5.4.1. Project 1: HandoutP1. Lecture 5 (02/07/02): Entity-relationship model: participationconstraints, representation using SQL; at most / at least / exactlyone; entity or attribute / relationship, information lose. Reading: Sec.5.4.2-5.8. Lecture 6 (02/12/02): Relational data model: physical,conceptual, external schemas, data model; relational model, relationinstance/schema, relational database. Reading:Sec.4.1-4.2.1. Lecture 7 (02/14/02): Relational data model: integrityconstraints, key constraints, foreign key constraints, inclusiondependence; SQL DDL: table, keys, null, default value. Reading: Sec.4.2.2-4.3.5. Lecture 8 (02/19/02): SQL data definition language: semanticsconstraint: check, assertion, create domain; foreign key constraint;event and trigger. Reading: Sec.4.3.5-4.3.8.Homework: Handout H3. Lecture 9 (02/21/02): SQL data definition language: view,modifying schema, access control; project 1 solution, possible designsand trade-offs. Reading: Sec.4.3.9-4.4.Midterm 1 (02/26/02): In-class exam. Requirements:closed all items except your own handwritten (not mechanically orelectronically reproduced) notes. Reading: anythingrelaxing, as you are a third done. Lecture 11 (02/28/02): Relational algebra: overview, basicoperators: selection, projection, set union / difference /intersection, Cartesian product, join, renaming. Reading: Sec.6.1. Project 2: Handout P2. Lecture 12 (03/05/02): Relational algebra: division; SQL querysublanguage: simple queries, relating to relational algebra, setoperations, nested queries (self study). Reading:Sec.6.2.1-6.2.3. Lecture 13 (03/07/02): SQL query sublanguage: division, SQLqueries, evaluation strategy, relating to relational algebra (review);aggregates, grouping, sorting (self study). Reading:Sec.6.2.1-6.2.5. Lecture 14 (03/12/02): SQL query sublanguage: review ofrelational algebra, SQL query sublanguage, writing queries; views,modifying data, updating views. Reading:Sec.6.2.6-6.4. Lecture 15 (03/14/02): Relational normalization: redundancy,decomposition; functional dependency,reflexivity+augmentation+transitivity, closure, correctness. Reading: Sec.8.1-8.4. Project 3: Handout P3. Lecture 16 (03/19/02): Relational normalization: attributeclosure and computation, normal forms, Boyce-Codd normal form, thirdnormal form, decomposition. Reading:Sec.8.4-8.6. Lecture 17 (03/21/02): Relational normalization: schemadecomposition, lossless, dependency preserving, BCNF decompositionalgorithm. Reading: Sec.8.6-8.7Homework: Handout H4. Spring break: March 25-29.Lecture 18 (04/02/02): Relational normalization: discussion ofP3 and review, 3NF decomposition algorithm, minimal cover, tradeoffs,multi-valued dependency and 4NF. Reading:Sec.8.8-8.9, 8.11-8.14. Lecture 19 (04/04/02): Triggers and active databases: event,condition, action, meanings, in SQL:99, chain reaction. Review formidterm 2: topics, concepts, problem solving, algorithms. Reading: Ch.9. H4S. Midterm 2 (04/09/02): In-class exam. Requirements:closed all items except your own handwritten (not mechanically orelectronically reproduced) notes. Lecture 21 (04/11/02): SQL in application programs: statementvs call level interface, embedded SQL, in/out/status, transaction,cursor, stored procedure, constraint checking. Reading: Sec.10.1-10.3. Lecture 22 (04/16/02): SQL in application programs: overview ofSLI (embedded and dynamic SQL, SQLJ) and CLI (JDBC, ODBC); dynamicSQL; JDBC. Reading: Sec.10.4-10.8. Project4: Handout P4. Lecture 23 (04/18/02): Data storage and indexing: diskorganization, latency, page transfer; heap files, performance; sortedfiles, overflow chain; indices, search key, index structure. Reading: Sec.11.1-11.4.0. Lecture 24 (04/23/02): Data storage and indexing: indices,integrated vs separate; clustered vs unclustered, range search, sparsevs dense; multilevel indexing, ISAM. Reading:Sec.11.4.1-11.5.1. Lecture 25 (04/25/02): Data storage and indexing: review;multilevel indexing using B+ trees, insertion; hash indexing; choosingan index. Reading: Sec.11.5.2-11.6, 11.8,11.9.Homework: Handout H5. Lecture 26 (04/30/02): Query processing and optimizationbasics. External sort, duplicate removal; selection for simple andcomplex conditions; nested loops, sort-merge, hash join. Reading: Ch.13. Lecture 27 (05/02/02): Query optimization: overview,principles, rules, and examples; review for the final exam, topics,more sample questions; demo, grades, etc. Reading:Ch.14. Lecture 28 (05/07/02): Self review, and more meetings can bescheduled if you need to see me about your grades, after they areposted later in the week, and before the final. Final Exam (05/14/02): 8:00-10:30AM, in Union Auditorium,Final exam. Closed all items except your own handwritten (notmechanically or electronically reproduced) notes. Bring your id cardfor checking.HandoutsSlides for Ch.1: Overview: Database Management, Transaction Processing, Analytic ProcessingSlides for Ch.2: A Closer Look: Basic Description of Data and Operations and SQLSlides for Ch.5:Entity-Relationship Model (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)Slides for Ch.4: Relational Data Model and SQL DDL (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)Slides for Ch.6: Relational Algebra and SQL DML (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)Slides for Ch.8:Relational Normalization (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)Slides for Ch.9:Triggers and Active DatabasesSlides for Ch.10:SQL in the Real World (Part 1) (Part 2)Slides for Ch.11:Physical Data Organization and Indexing (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)Slides for Ch.13:Query Processing BasicsSlides for Ch.14:Query Optimization OverviewHandout H1: Homework 1: QuestionnaireHandout H2: Homework 2: An Interesting DatabaseSystem ApplicationHandout H3: Homework 3: ER Model, Relational DataModel, SQL Data Definition LanguageHandout H3S: Solution to Homework 3Handout H4: Homework 4: Relational Algebra, SQLQuery Sublanguage, Normal FormsHandout H4S: Solution to Homework 4Handout H5: Homework 5: More SQL, Data Storageand Indexing, Query ProcessingHandout H5S: Solution to Homework 5Handout P1: Project 1: Entity-Relationship Modelfor Stony Brook Car Pooling Management SystemHandout P1S: Solution to Project 1Handout P2: Project 2: Creating Relations / SQLTablesHandout P2S: Solution to Project 2Handout P3: Project 3: Querying and UpdatingDataHandout P3S: Solution to Project 3Handout P4: Project 4: Building ApplicationPrograms, Testing, and ImprovementsHandout M1: Midterm 1Handout M1S: Solution to Midterm 1Handout M2: Midterm 2Handout M2S: Solution to Midterm 2Handout F: Final ExamHandout FS: Solution to Final ExamOther PointersWindowsNT Transaction Processing Labs: policies, FAQ, Sybase,JDBC,JBuilder,etc.Sybase's Transact-SQL User's Guide.It is installed in the Trans Labs atH:\Documentation\Sybase\sqlug_v12_0.pdfOther Adaptive ServerEnterprise 12.0 Product Documentation.Sybase ASE v12.0 is currently running on all Sybase servers in thedepartment.Ghostscript, Ghostview andGSview: Ghostview and GSview are for viewing and printingPostscript documents (some of the handouts for this course will be inthis format). If you use Linux, then this software is alreadyinstalled on your machine. On Windows, you need to download bothGhostview and Ghostscript (and also some fonts). Unzip Ghostview andrun setup.exe. It will unpack and install the rest.The gzip homepage: GNU zip for compression.Miscellaneous:Alittle SQL tutorial, provided by Deji Abraham. (I wish we couldremove the geocities ads on it.)Anomalyand decomposition in the context of alittle database tutorial, provided by Eve Fon Wu.RequirementsYou are required to learn all information on the course homepage. Youshould check the homepage periodically for Announcements and What's newYou are required to do all course work. In particular, you arerequired to learn all materials covered in lectures as they are neededfor the course work. Besides the exams, there are two kinds ofassignments, described below.Homework assignments will be given as preparations for exams.They will not be graded, but solutions will be provided and/ordiscussed, and you will get -10% of the course grade for each homeworkthat you did not turn in by the deadline, or for any obvious junk thatyou did turn in. The project requires to build a transaction processing system.Parts of it will be done in groups of two students. The project willhave four deliverables: the ER model, the relational data model, therelational query model, and the GUI.Unless permitted explicitly, all work on the assignments must bedone individually. You may discuss with others and look upreferences, but you must write up your solutions independently andcredit all other sources that you used. Any plagiarism or otherforms of cheating will result in an F. 2ff7e9595c

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